Song and Story
Exploring music fundamentals through story telling, singing, music and movement.
For Children 2 - 5 years old
4pm on Monday afternoons. 50 minutes.
Joanna has over five years of experience teaching music fundamentals to young children across the US and Europe. Unlike many early childhood music classes, Joanna shares her wealth of imagination by bringing the instruments to life and giving each its own personality, story and role to convey music as fun and joyful, but also as a method of communication and navigation through life. Using shakers, drums, scarves, ukuleles, and other instruments as the classes progress, Joanna will introduce music and stories from around the globe and genres, from Jazz to classical, and all throughout Africa to South America. She also focusses on singing and musicality by getting the child to learn pitch through echoing, solfeggi, and flash cards with music notes.
There will be plenty of free play as well as using music and instruments as a way of learning body control, listening skills, dynamics and spacial awareness. This is a music class that not only introduces young minds to music, but empowers them with creativity, free play, composition, movement and listening skills.
Joanna concludes each class with bubbles and stickers.